The Pay to Play Way is Alpha

Roosh wrote:

Many men have chosen this either voluntarily through MGTOW and soliciting prostitution or involuntarily through celibacy. They have failed to adapt counterattacks to new ways of fighting.

OK, time to define our terms. Certainly there are losers / beta / blue pill men out there that have given up and rely on prostitutes as their only sexual outlet. Roosh is labeling this group MGTOW. I don’t think that label completely fits, but I’ll roll with it for now.

The Pay to Play Way (TP2PW) acknowledges prostitutes as a legitimate tool in a man’s toolchest. Like all tools, it has advantages and disadvantages. It can be used in the wrong way, causing more harm than good. It certainly is a sharp tool.

The Pay to Play Way Man is Alpha. He has his own center of gravity, his own interests, his own pursuits, his own improvements, his own journey. He recognizes all interaction with women involves a cost to him. Prostitution helps put a dollar figure on this cost, greatly assisting him in prioritizing his life. 

TP2PW isn’t about a desperate man giving up and paying for what they can’t otherwise get. It’s about understanding the nature and commodity of women and living your life accordingly.

A Different Take on the Manosphere

Most of the Manosphere is focused on improving your Game to better attract women for sex. And that’s great.

However, I feel a legitimate differing point of view isn’t being adequately represented: paying women for sex.

And that’s what this blog (and twitter presence) is about. It will discuss the pros and cons of paying for sex, advocate for it and provide hard-won tips.

I look forward to the discussion.